the underclass claps back
DWP spin master and candidate for city controller Rob Wilcox said he was attacked Friday outside of city hall by some random person. karma is real.
Sometimes it feels like things happen just for you. As a follower of the DWP saga, this recently happened to me. There was a brief alignment. Some clouds appeared, an owl alighted on a branch, and the moon revealed its plan. For a moment, the underclass spoke directly to our lords in suits. Like killers emerging from beneath a sewer mane, the underclass goes door to door, executing the wealthy parasites. For so long now in Los Angeles, we have been living in a time of kings.
Last week, DWP side character Rob Wilcox, who is City Attorney Mike Feuer’s spokesperson, and also, a candidate for city controller, said he was attacked by some man outside of city hall. I’m glad Wilcox is okay. He told Dakota Smith at the LA Times that the man started yelling and shoving him. He reportedly called Wilcox a slur and kicked him. The politician ran and ran, but the apparition kept following him. Wilcox said he ran to a child care services facility, banging on its doors and pleading for help, but none came, because Wilcox is an adult and not a child. Finally, the guy stopped following him, according to Wilcox.

I’ve heard wild theories that, as payback for schilling propaganda for Feuer and the city, one of the DWP figures paid a guy to attack Wilcox. The attack also happened to fall on National Emergency Day, which is held “in order to encourage people to identify dangerous situations.” Maybe Wilcox was just observing the holiday. A good publicity stunt too. I mean, how else are people going to pay attention to a campaign for city controller.
The police told me they have little details about the suspect, if the accused attacker was homeless/unhoused or not, but it’s pretty likely. It’s clear the guy was angry, mentally ill, or some sort of combination. Skid Row is right there. I’ve seen men take a shit on the sidewalk in broad daylight around city hall; one guy throw a glass bottle at me once.
But here you have a member of the city establishment, who for years has talked about fixing homelessness, violence and inequality instead of doing something about it. Wilcox and the Democrats created this problem. And when it bit back, they couldn’t believe it. And then the guy goes crying about it on Twitter and the LA Times! The ones who love posting Instagram slideshows about cleaning up the city’s violence and exploding economic disparity problem are seeing the problem coming for them.
As Feuer’s spokesman, Wilcox has repeatedly over three years now spun the DWP story as not-his-bosses-fault. It’s something that only makes sense to them. Wilcox has amplified such lies and half-truths that the very least thing that could happen to him is meeting someone on the street for once in his life and getting his ass beat a little bit.
Take it back to nearly three years ago now, to March 2019, when I started writing about the city suing itself. Wilcox gave me statement after statement denying the city knew about the collusive lawsuit:
“Mr. Kiesel and Mr. Paradis have never represented the city in the litigation Jones v. City of LA.”
But both Kiesel and Paradis are identified in multiple court documents and transcripts as defending the city in the Jones matter.
Wilcox in April 2019, regarding emails by its lawyers showing the city suing itself:
“The emails we’ve just discovered reveal a reprehensible breach of ethics by outside lawyers in whom our office placed trust. The conduct of previous outside counsel now coming to light was outrageous and inexcusable.”
Wilcox said: “We are unaware of anything indicating any city officer or employee was aware of, or directed, the conduct of prior outside counsel reflected in these emails.”
Reality: The city had those emails in its possession for a few months. They weren’t new.
On the plan for the collusive Jones lawsuit:
“No one in the city attorney’s office had any involvement, or awareness, of any such plan.”
But now we know from other investigating entities, such as the special master and federal prosecutors, that Feuer’s office did know. Not only did his office know, his office directed it, according to them.
“The evidence supports a finding that the city directed and assisted in the city suing itself with a sham lawsuit,” the special master’s report stated. And the report said Wilcox “was involved in the public relations campaign to promote the Jones v. City settlement.”
The government, in its most recent criminal action in DWP against former city attorney official Thomas Peters, said, regarding the Jones suit: a “senior city attorney official had directed and authorized this strategy before the complaint was filed.”
While a number of attorneys who worked for Feuer have resigned over the years because of the DWP saga, Wilcox has stayed by his boss Feuer’s side. Now as a reward, he is running for city controller. The Democratic Party is the mob.
Wilcox wants to be the guy who looks after how the city spends its money and gets rid of corruption. What’s he gonna do or even say about the millions in attorney fees the city paid to outside, high-end lawyers in order to cover up a collusive lawsuit? Or the $2.5 million dollars a judge sanctioned the city for acting weird in the Jones billing litigation? How about $177,000 for a press release to make the city look good? $22 million paid in no-bid contracts? Seven years of litigation?
Wilcox recently said, “the controller is the city’s truth teller, inspector general, and the taxpayer’s watchdog.”
Hahah, dude, so when are you gonna start telling the truth? Where ya been?