Hmmm. I wonder if some of my files may be in that 2008 computer?

I did receive a ton of other files from the trustee on a thumbdrive (Girardi repeatedly refused to return our 4,000+ piece file that we submitted for litigation). The thumb drive files were mostly paperwork we've never seen and about actions taken in our case that Tom never shared with us. Quite a bit of these files certainly indicated his 'crimes' against me and my co-plaintiff... With the assistance of course from others in powerful positions.

Orange will not be complimentary to his complexion.

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What a silly article making light on Girardi's auction when poor families lost millions to this criminal.

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you really should learn how to read

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Hahaha. Gotcha. I thought it was hysterical. I was pretending to be a person that thought it was literal.

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I read it as you intended. I get you're showing how pathetic Girardi's reputation has come to this pathetic D grade auction reality. I just think the whole desperate house wives fan base seems the audience for this tone.

Girardi's crimes are extreme. He destroyed so many lives.

Camp humor related to anything Girardi seems very disrespectful to the victims.

He's no one to joke about. He should be in prison.

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What he did to his victims is terrible. This does not denigrate them. But if we lived according to your authoritarian humorless world view we'd all go insane. Even the haters are my fans. <3

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